Instructions for Use
- Cut ice packs into desired configuration with scissors. Cut along seams between packs.
- Soak packs or sheets in water, the kitchen sink or a shallow pan will work fine. Soak ice packs for 1 minute or less. They should be hydrated to about ¾ inch thick. Be careful to not over soak, the pack could split upon freezing.
- Freeze ice packs until solid.
- After ice packs are thawed, return to freezer and use over and over.
- Re-hydrate when necessary.
Helpful Tips:
- Place in freezer with the plastic sides facing each other so packs will not freeze together.
- Thawed ice packs can be microwaved to create a wonderful hot pad. Microwave for only a few seconds.
- Shipping perishables –seal a cooler or Styrofoam container with duct tape, with ice packs and perishables inside to get an extended freeze time.
Dozens of Ice Pack Uses:
- Cut into individual packs and use in lunchboxes
- Cut into a strip of six or seven packs long and wrap around head for headaches or use on the neck for neck pain
- Cut to size to fit small coolers
- For larger coolers, create an ice blanket by putting one sheet on bottom and one on top
- Use in a sealed cooler/container when shipping perishables such as seafood or chocolates
- If icing down beverages in a cooler, add wet ice to fill in around cans, then cover with ice packs to keep the ice frozen for hours (and drinks much colder!)
- Use as first aid for bumps, bruises and sprains.
- Use in a golf bag in the side pocket to keep several beverages cold
- Take on the boat and substitute for wet ice
- Reduce the use of dry ice with ice packs
- Warm them in the microwave for a soothing heat pad
- Use them for cooling down your horses and around their leg joints
- Perfect for pulled muscles
- Use at little league or other sporting events
- Cut some open and mix with potted soil to improve moisture content of soil